The ELMIB produces a variety of publications and special reports. These can be found in a variety of locations on the ELMI website. Publications produced by a specific program are found on that program’s the web page.
The Research Unit is a resource for a wide variety of workforce and career information. It acts as a clearinghouse, packaging information into products that meet consumer needs. The unit’s staff is responsible for broad knowledge of the workforce and career information produced in ELMIB and in other State and Federal agencies. The unit responds to questions and data requests on a daily basis. In this role, the Research Unit is frequently called upon to prepare special reports or presentations for the economic development community, other government agencies, the media, and employers.
Surveys of Benefits Offered by New Hampshire Employers
ELMIB has conducted several surveys on employee benefits offered by businesses with New Hampshire workers. This information provides employers the opportunity to compare their benefits package with comparable firms, such as firms of similar size. In addition, New Hampshire workers and job seekers can use the results to identify the types of benefits offered by New Hampshire employers.
New Hampshire Community Profiles
New Hampshire Community Profiles provides information on the 234 incorporated cities and towns in the State of New Hampshire. Data presented here comes from a variety of sources, including a community survey, published reports from state agencies, and the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey Five-Year Estimates. The profiles include data on demographics, municipal services, housing, employment, educational facilities, transportation access, recreational facilities, and more.
Economic Analysis Reports
Produced annually, economic analysis reports provide a summary of changes in economic indicators over the year. These reports are intended to inform workforce development policy and investment decisions by the Governor, the legislature, the New Hampshire state workforce investment board, local workforce investment advisory groups, and workforce development partners, including community colleges, and economic development organizations. The information is also useful to anyone who has a stake in the New Hampshire economy.
New Hampshire Economic Conditions (EC)
A monthly publication, Economic Conditions highlights economic developments affecting the state. The publication includes monthly labor market data such as:
EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) administers the Immigrant Investor Program, also known as “EB-5,” which was created by Congress in an effort to stimulate the U.S. economy through job creation and capital investment by foreign investors. All EB-5 investors must invest in a commercial enterprise, which creates or preserves at least 10 full-time jobs for qualifying U.S. workers within two years of the immigrant investor’s admission to the United States as a Conditional Permanent Resident.
Green Jobs Projects
These reports provide a summary of the work completed by New Hampshire and the Northeast Consortium under a Labor Market Information Improvement Grant, awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The reports assess various aspects of the green economy, including New Hampshire's definition of the green economy, use of real-time (online job postings) data to identify green jobs, analysis of “greening” in the Manufacturing, Construction, and Transportation industries, and more.
Licensed, Certified, and Registered Occupations in New Hampshire
Licensed, Certified, and Registered Occupations in New Hampshire provides information about occupational licenses, certifications, or registrations issued by New Hampshire state boards, commissions, and departments. This handbook is the only compilation of information on occupational licensing in New Hampshire, but was not designed to replace detailed information available from regulatory authorities.
LMI Tools for Business
LMI Tools for Business has answers to questions about what ELMI can do for business owners, where to find the answers on the ELMI web site, and how to put these resources to work.
Vital Signs, Economic and Social Indicators for New Hampshire
Vital Signs provides a review of New Hampshire’s economic and social indicators, and is designed to present, in a concise manner, many significant aspects of the state’s economic, social, and environmental structure. Five years of data are reported, when available, in order to depict recent trends. The data items are shown in separate chapters according to subject topic. Each subject topic includes tables with the most recent updated related data. Additional analysis is also listed where available.
Data are drawn from published reports or unpublished records of many state and federal government agencies and private organizations. Attention should be paid to notations included with the line titles about data size and time intervals used.
Real-Time Labor Market Information
Real–time labor market information, derived from online job postings, is so named because the information is updated on a daily basis. In comparison, “traditional” labor market information lags from a month to a year or more, depending on the data and its source. Details included in online job postings can provide information such as the type of jobs employers are most frequently seeking or the skills currently requested by employers. Details extracted from online job postings provide insight into the skills that employers are currently seeking in job candidates.
Online job posting analyses include nursing and related occupations, computer and information technology occupations, and truck driving and related occupations.
Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LED)
The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) program is part of the Center for Economic Studies at the U.S. Census Bureau. The LEHD program produces new, cost effective, public-use information combining federal, state and Census Bureau data on employers and employees under the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Partnership.
Under the LED Partnership, states agree to share Unemployment Insurance earnings data and the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data with the Census Bureau. The LEHD program combines these administrative data, additional administrative data and data from censuses and surveys. From these data, the program creates statistics on employment, earnings, and job flows at detailed levels of geography and industry and for different demographic groups. In addition, the LEHD program uses these data to create partially synthetic data on workers' residential patterns.
Data and tools produced by the LED program include:
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